Harriet Solloway's Opening Remarks before NFFN - September 17, 2024

Appearance before the Standing Senate Committee on National Finance (NFFN)

Good afternoon, Mr. Chair.

I am very grateful to have the opportunity to speak to the Standing Senate Committee on National Finance and to appear alongside my distinguished colleagues.

My Office investigates allegations of wrongdoing in the federal public sector, such as gross mismanagement and serious breaches of codes of conduct, as well as alleged reprisals suffered by public servants who take the brave step of coming forward.

We owe all Canadians a duty to expose wrongdoing in the federal public sector. At the same time, we owe every person who places their trust in us—including those who find themselves accused of wrongdoing—an impartial and timely outcome based on a serious consideration of all the facts.

Over the past year, the relevance of the Office’s mandate has grown ever more apparent, as we have experienced a sudden and unforeseen surge in disclosure submissions. Each submission can contain multiple distinct allegations, each of which requires admissibility analysis and a fulsome response.

There is a mounting backlog of files that cannot be addressed within current resources. As of August 31, 2024, 140 files are pending admissibility analysis and another 47 investigations have yet to be completed. Without an injection of resources, there is a risk that investigations will not be completed in a timely manner. The risk includes the erosion of the availability and quality of documentary evidence and witness accounts.

If we cannot effectively investigate and expose wrongdoing, it will diminish accountability and eliminate a vital component of checks and balances that enhance confidence in public institutions. In addition, the inability to investigate complaints of reprisal in a timely manner would leave public servants vulnerable and exposed to hostile workplaces and possibly impact their employment.

Also of concern, the mandate to provide funding for legal assistance to disclosers, complainants and respondents is in jeopardy, as allocated funds are quickly dwindling.

A very modest increase in Budget 2024 allowed the Office to add some human resources and to replace an antiquated case management system that predated the Office’s inception in 2007. Despite this, due to the unforeseen surge, the Office is experiencing a financial crisis as resource limitations are jeopardizing our ability to implement our mandate. The impact of this financial crisis cannot be overstated. Without additional funding, there is a significant risk of breaching the obligations established under the Act that governs our work.

In response to this crisis, my Office has reviewed and refined operational practices, leveraged technology and streamlined processes wherever feasible. Despite efficiency gains, these efforts have not been sufficient to address the crisis. Consequently, I have submitted an off-cycle budget request intended to respond to the challenges that we face. Based on projections, the additional funds would enable us to reduce the backlog to a manageable level over three years and meet future demands, mitigating the risks and possible impact.

In the meantime, my team continues to work diligently and professionally, doing their utmost to provide a safe space for whistleblowers and ensuring an unflinching commitment to impartiality that protects the rights of all.

I thank you for the opportunity to address this Committee and welcome any questions that you may have.