
Public Sector Integrity Commissioner to Table a Case Report regarding Wrongdoing

For immediate release


Ottawa, March 11, 2020 - Today, the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner of Canada delivered to the Speakers of the Senate and of the House of Commons his latest Case Report of findings in the matter of an investigation into a disclosure of wrongdoing.

Both Speakers will table the report on March 12, 2020, at which time the Commissioner will issue a press release and a video statement.

Integrity Commissioner to hold a news briefing following the tabling of a Case Report on wrongdoing by the Ottawa Air Section of the RCMP

For immediate release


Ottawa, December 1, 2014 – As a result of the Federal Court dismissal of the interlocutory injunction motion brought by the Attorney General of Canada, the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner, Mario Dion, will table a Case Report with the Speakers of the House of Commons and the Senate of Canada on Tuesday, December 2, 2014.

Public Sector Integrity Commissioner finds wrongdoing by the Ottawa Air Section of the RCMP

For immediate release

Ottawa, December 2, 2014 – As a result of whistleblowers coming forward, the tenth founded case of wrongdoing was tabled by the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner, Mario Dion, in both Houses of Parliament today. This report found that in 2012, the Ottawa Air Section (OAS) of the RCMP's Air Services Branch contravened the Canadian Aviation Regulations which constituted wrongdoing under the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act.

Founded wrongdoing by the Chief Executive Officer of the Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation


In January 2013, the Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner of Canada received a protected disclosure of wrongdoing against Mr. John Lynn, Chief Executive Officer of Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation (ECBC).

ECBC is a federal Crown corporation that was created to promote and assist the financing and development of Cape Breton Island and the Mulgrave area in Nova Scotia. The organization reports to Parliament through the Minister responsible for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA).

Integrity Commissioner makes finding of wrongdoing against CEO John Lynn of Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation

Ottawa, May 27, 2014 – The Public Sector Integrity Commissioner, Mario Dion, tabled a Case Report on founded wrongdoing in both Houses of Parliament today. The Case Report found that Mr. John Lynn, Chief Executive Officer of Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation (ECBC), committed a serious breach of his organization’s code of conduct by appointing four individuals who had publicly demonstrated ties to the Conservative Party of Canada or the Progressive Conservative Party of Nova Scotia.

Mario Dion to hold news briefing about tabling of case report

Ottawa, May 26, 2014 – The Public Sector Integrity Commissioner, Mario Dion, will table a Case Report with the Speakers of the House of Commons and the Senate of Canada on Tuesday, May 27, 2014. The Case Report deals with findings following an investigation of wrongdoing by the CEO of Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation. The Report will be considered public once it is tabled at the start of the sitting day of the House of Commons at 10 a.m.
