2013–14 Departmental Performance Report - Supplementary Information Tables

User Fees and Regulatory Charges (User Fees Act)

User Fee: Fees charged for processing access requests filed under the Access to Information Act (ATIA)

Fee Type: Other products and services (O)

Fee-setting Authority: ATIA

Date Last Modified: 1992

Performance Standards: Response provided within 30 days following receipt of request; the response time may be extended pursuant to section 9 of the ATIA. Notice of extension is to be sent within 30 days after receipt of request.

Performance Results: The Department was able to respond within 30 days or less in 81 per cent of completed cases.* The remaining requests were completed within 31 to 120 days.

*A Notice of Extension is sent to the requester within 30 days of receipt of request


2013-14 ($) Planning Years ($)
Forecast Revenue Actual Revenue Full Cost Fiscal Year Forecast Revenue Estimated Full Cost
0 80 28,000 2013-14 0 30,000
2014-15 0 30,000
2015-16 0 30,000

Other Information: Under the Access to Information Act, fees under $25.00 may be waived when deemed to be in the public interest, or other amounts, such as reproduction costs. Fees waived during 2013–14 represented $160.20.


Internal Audits and Evaluations


Internal Audits Table

Internal Audits (current reporting period)

Name of internal audit Internal audit type Status Completion date
Information Management and Privacy Governance Completed April 2014
Security Governance Delayed March 2015
Travel and Hospitality Assurance/Compliance Delayed March 2015