2023–24 Departmental Results Report - Supplementary Information Tables

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Details on transfer payment programs

Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner of Canada’s Contribution Program

Start date2010–11
End dateOngoing
Type of transfer paymentContribution
Type of appropriationThe program is appropriated annually through the Estimates.
Fiscal year for terms and conditions2010–11
Link to departmental result(s)Public sector disclosures of wrongdoing and complaints of reprisal are dealt with in a timely and effective manner.
Link to the department’s program inventoryDisclosure and Reprisal Management Program
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment programThe transfer payment program is pursuant to the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act (the PSDPA) and supports the Core Responsibility of the Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner of Canada. It provides access to legal advice in a timely and effective matter to qualified individuals and ensuring that the rights to procedural fairness and natural justice are upheld.
Results achievedThe transfer payment program provided qualified individuals with access to legal advice about their situation, rights, obligations and assistance in determining their best course of action. In 2023–24, the Office received 86 requests for funding for legal advice under the PSDPA and 36 of those requests were granted.
Findings of audits completed in 2023–24There were no audits completed during the 2023–24 reporting year.
Findings of evaluations completed in 2023–24There were no evaluations completed during the 2023–24 reporting year.
Engagement of applicants and recipients in 2023–24Consultations with applicants and recipients were completed through a survey during the 2018–19 transfer payment program evaluation to assess and receive feedback on the design, delivery, and results of the program

Financial information (dollars)

Type of transfer payment2021–22 actual spending2022–23 actual spending2023–24 planned spending2023–24 total authorities available for use2023–24 actual spending (authorities used)Variance (2023–24 actual minus 2023–24 planned)
Total contributions29,64945,56550,00050,00021,57428,426

Explanation of variances

In 2023–24, expenditures were $21,574, ($45,565 in 2022–23), representing a decrease of 53% or $23,991:

  • In 2023–24, fewer applicants were eligible for funding under the PSDPA than in 2022–23.
  • Moreover, several applications received in 2023–24 could not be processed in the same year and will not be processed until the following year.

Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA Plus)

Human resources (full-time equivalents) dedicated to GBA Plusn/a
Core responsibilityPublic sector disclosures of wrongdoing and complaints of reprisal
Program nameDisclosure and Reprisal Management
Program goalsn/a
Target populationn/a
Distribution of benefitsn/a
Key program impacts on gender and diversityn/a

Note: The mandate of the Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner of Canada (the Office) does not have specific goals, processes our outcomes related to gender identity or other diversity characteristics. Due to the confidential nature of disclosures and complaints, demographic data about disclosers and complainants is not collected. The Office takes disclosures of wrongdoing from any person, and continues to accept disclosures and complaints in many formats to support individuals who may require accommodation for a disability (for example, taking a disclosure over the phone, instead of in writing).

Response to parliamentary committees and external audits

Response to parliamentary committees

There were no parliamentary committee reports in 2023–24 requiring a response.

Response to audits conducted by the Office of the Auditor General of Canada (including audits conducted by the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development)

There were no audits in 2023–24 requiring a response.

Response to audits conducted by the Public Service Commission of Canada or the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages

There were no audits in 2023–24 requiring a response.