2023–24 Departmental Plan - Supplementary Information Tables

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United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals

The following table shows the planned initiatives by the Office of the Public Integrity Commissioner (the Office) that will contribute to advancing specific targets of the Canadian Indicator Framework and the UN global Indicator Framework.

The Office’s Sustainable Development Strategy

UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Planned initiatives Associated domestic “ambitions or targets or” and/or global targets
SDG 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Green Procurement Strategy
Aims to reduce the environmental impact and ensure best value in government procurement decisions.

This planned initiative involves applying green procurement to all material and supplies purchased in day-to-day operations, giving preference to materials containing recycled and post-consumer content and certified by external environmental agencies like EcoLogo and EnergyStar. This action includes purchasing chlorine free and 100% recycled paper.

The target of this activity is aligned with the SDG 12 and aims that 80% of all material and supplies purchased by the Office meet green procurement criterion.

This activity contributes to advancing:

Canadian Indicator Framework ambition 12.3 Canadians consume in a sustainable manner; and,

UN Global target 12.5 “By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse.”

Details on transfer payment programs

Provision of access to legal advice under the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act

Start date 2010–11
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation The program is appropriated annually through the Estimates
Fiscal year of terms and conditions 2010–11
Link to departmental result(s) Public sector disclosures of wrongdoing and complaints of reprisal are dealt with in a timely and effective manner
Link to department’s Program Inventory Disclosure and Reprisal Management Program
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program The transfer payment program is made pursuant to the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act (PSDPA) and supports the Core Responsibility of the Office. It provides access to legal advice in a timely and effective matter to qualified individuals and ensuring that the rights to procedural fairness and natural justice are upheld.
Expected results The transfer payment program’s expected result will be to provide qualified individuals under the PSPDA with access to legal advice about their situation, rights, obligations and assistance in determining their best course of action. This will help ensure a fair, timely and transparent process where inquiries and investigations are conducted efficiently and in accordance with the PSDPA and ultimately contribute to increased confidence in Canadian federal public institutions.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2018–19
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation Not applicable
General targeted recipient groups

- For-profit organizations
- Individual or sole proprietorships

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients Not applicable

Financial information (in dollars)

Type of transfer payment 2022–23 forecast spending 2023–24 planned spending 2024–25 planned spending 2025–26 planned spending
Total contributions program 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000